Who Am I?
Bailey Revill’s art practice concerns dualities and contradictions, her recent research has compared dematerialised and material art forms to find the immaterial or intangible soul at the core of art’s purpose. In her most recent work, she has been investigating linguistics and breaking down modes of communication to see what is at the core of these rituals. Objects and languages around us are imbued with meaning, even ‘art for art’s sake’ eventually finds its own message to carry, whether born out of reaction to other art, or from spectator reactions to art itself. Where does meaning lie if it cannot be dissected?
Graduating in 2023, Bailey studied BA Fine Art with Arts Foundation Year at the University of Lincoln. During her time at university she resurrected the Fine Art Society as President along with Erin Taylor, Gavin Brown and Izzi Baker.
Starting work full-time in a technician role in Leeds, West Yorkshire, she hopes to be a regular part of the creative landscape by the end of the year. Now based in Leeds, Bailey is developing her artistic practice alongside her professional art technical career.
Her upcoming residency at General Practice, Lincoln, will span 15th-21st July and will be the first physical exhibition of her work since 2023.